About Us
Ongata Ngong Palliative Care Community-ONPACC is a community-based organization which aims to promote community health through capacity building on palliative care knowledge, community Health education, home healthcare services and outreach clinics.
WHO defines Palliative care as an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.
ONPACC uses multidisciplinary approach to reach and care for the home-based care patients, their families and community at large. This is achieved though working closely with partners, friends, community and county Governments.
Stella M. Rithara,
Founder / Director
As people experience life threatening illness, ONPACC team is a voice for the community
To provide leadership in specialized community-based palliative care which is accessible and in partnership with our community.
We aim to train community health volunteers and homecare health providers.
-We empower the community through health education to care for the sick through home-based healthcare services and awareness on availability services for the life-threatening illness such as Cancers, TB, HIV/AIDs, malnutrition, chronic illnesses.
-We strive to support families dealing with life threatening illnesses through addressing their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
-We coordinate palliative care services at home and partner with local hospital and patient primary doctors.
-We Provide specialized palliative care and practical support to clients and their carers in their place of residence with 24 hour telephone availability to discuss patients concern.